Here’s A Quick Way To Solve A Problem with Christian Music Artists
Christian Music Artists have influenced so many people over the years. Some many singers and bands grew up hearing this hold a special place inside their hearts. Many times listening to an older album can literally transport you instantly to the time when you first heard it. I’ve put together a shortlist of some of my favorite Christian music artists throughout the years, from the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
Christian Music Artists best beats
I don’t think many Christian bands would be able to even think about not putting Billy Joel on their list of Christian music artists. This man is without a doubt one of the greatest Christian artists of all time. When you listen to his music you get the same feelings that you would have had if you were in your church.
Some other popular Christian music artists that are considered Christian but are known simply for their Christian crossover appeal are Linkin Park and A Perfect Circle. Both bands have Christian elements to them, though Linkin Park has more of a hard rock edge to their sound. A perfect circle, on the other hand, has more of a Christian influenced sound to it. They have songs about life, faith, and coming to Christ. Both bands have a huge fan base because of this Christian crossover appeal.
No Christian band can be considered truly “Christian” unless they sing the Christian song “O Holy Night”. This song has been used extensively by thousands of churches throughout the world as an opening for worship. Other popular Christian bands that are considered Christian but do not have this song in their repertoire are Cazzie’s, Chaka Khan, worship bands From pastor to small church groups, and gospel choirs. In fact, some Christian choirs have even dedicated their whole lives to using this one song.
Another great Christian music artist who is a popular Christian celebrity in America but outside of the Christian community is Billy Ray Cyrus. His song “Wreckin’ Balm” became number one in the Christian Audience’s Favorite List every single week. Billy Ray Cyrus is another artist who is popular Christian musician quite like country music stars, such as Reba, Amy Grant, or Nancy Sinatra. These artists have Christian influence, Christian themes, Christian messages, but are popular with Christian audiences outside of the church.
A new wave of Christian music artists is emerging to appeal to the ever-growing Christian Audience. Many Christian worship music artists are making Christian music that is very Christian inspired, yet it is still accessible to people of all Christian faiths. The artists mentioned above, who are well-known Christian music singers and Christian worship artists are a great example of Christian music artists that are Christian but also have crosses on their shirts, are popular Christian artists, but are not just Christian based.
Some Christian Music artists that fit into this category are Eric Clapton, Johnny Winter, Stanley Myers, Buddy Holly, along with many others. Some of these artists have influenced the Christian music industry with their unique Christian tunes and sound. Others such as Eric Clapton, Buddy Holly, Johnny Winter have brought Christian music to a whole new level. However, contemporary Christian music artists, like those listed above, are not the only ones that have touched the Christian Music Industry. Many other contemporary Christian authors and poets have also touched the Christian Audience through their Christian-inspired Christian books and/or CDs.
One artist who fits in this Christian Music Artists category is none other than our beloved Queen Latifah. Latifah has produced some amazing Christian songs like ” Blessed Are Those Who Seek” and “I’m a Believer”. Additionally, Latifah also has a song titled “Hail to the Mother” that touches upon her Christian beliefs and that of her mother, who was a Christian. Other Christian Music Artists that are popular among contemporary Christian Music lovers are Jason Hooker, Glen Campbell, Nancy Honeytree, Johnny Jenkins, along with many others.